Peace River Bourbon Hot Honey, No Heat, But Hella Sweet

If you’re into the sweeter things in life but crave a kick, you might have eyed Peace River’s Bourbon Hot Honey. Made by the family-run biz using their signature honey, this blend promises a buzz with its bourbon infusion. But if you’re hunting for that fiery heat, you might need to keep looking.

While the bourbon notes are spot-on, the expected spice from the chili peppers is missing in action. Let’s dive deeper and see what this hot honey is really all about.

Introducing: Bourbon Hot Honey by Peace River Honey

Hailing from Alberta, Peace River Honey stands out not just for their honey but for the whole bee-to-bottle experience. As Canada’s largest organic apiary, this family-owned operation keeps things in-house, managing their own production, packaging, and distribution. Among their lineup, the Bourbon Hot Honey we’re checking out today is one of several specialty flavors, which also include Pineapple Jalapeno and a classic Hot Honey.

Diving into this particular bottle, the first thing you’ll notice is its stunning amber color and crystal clarity, signs of a truly premium product. The taste? It’s as rich and luxurious as it looks, with a full-bodied bourbon flavor that makes it a standout. But if you’re expecting a spicy kick to match, you might be left waiting. We’ll dig into that more soon. If you’re keen to try it, you can snag a bottle directly from Peace River Honey for about $12.50 CAD.

The nutritional info panel on a bottle of Bourbon Hot by Peace River Honey

Manufacturer: Peace River Honey
Made In: Alberta
Heat Rating: 0/10
Size: 375g
Price Range: $12.50

Ingredients: Honey, Natural Bourbon Flavour, Natural Capsicum Flavour

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Taking a closer look at Peace River’s Bourbon Hot Honey, it’s packaged in a practical 375g plastic squeeze bottle. The translucent material lets you admire the honey’s gorgeous golden amber color—a nod to the bourbon it’s infused with. Not just a treat for the taste buds, it’s a feast for the eyes too, perfectly clear and filtered.

The bottle sports a sleek design with the Peace River logo taking center stage, surrounded by labels in both English and French. You’ll find the nutritional panel smartly placed between these two logos. When it’s time to drizzle, the honey flows smoothly from the spout, effortlessly coating anything it touches. A heads-up though—the lid can get a bit sticky, so you might want to handle it with care to keep things clean.

Bourbon Hot Honey on a spoon to show texture


Opening a bottle of Peace River’s Bourbon Hot Honey, you’re greeted by an unmistakably authentic honey aroma. It’s the kind of scent that reminds you of craft honey—pure, rich, and nothing like the generic versions you find on supermarket shelves.

While the label hints at bourbon, don’t expect to catch any of that in the smell—nor any trace of peppers, for that matter. It’s just unadulterated, real honey through and through.

Taste and Flavour

Tasting Peace River’s Bourbon Hot Honey is quite the treat. Its flavor profile is a delightful blend of sweet and savory, making it a perfect companion for dishes like chicken. The texture is intriguing—thick, almost gel-like, yet it melts effortlessly once it hits your palate.

As you savor each mouthful, you’ll pick up hints of caramel and a subtle nod to the oaky, earthy notes typical of bourbon. While it’s branded as a hot honey, don’t expect any heat from chili peppers; this one’s all about that bourbon kick. Despite the lack of spice, it’s an absolute pleasure to drizzle over nearly any dish, enhancing flavors and adding a luxurious touch to your meals.

Heat Level

If you’re reaching for Peace River’s Bourbon Hot Honey in hopes of a spicy thrill, you might want to adjust those expectations. On my personal heat scale, it’s a solid 0 out of 10. That’s right—there’s absolutely no heat to speak of. Despite its name, there’s no spicy kick, no hidden chili pepper flavor, just none of the usual fiery effects you’d expect from something labeled “hot.”

No sweating, no runny nose—none of the telltale signs that heat lovers might look for. So, if it’s a burn you’re after, this might not be the honey for you.

Conclusion: Overall Thoughts

While I enjoyed the flavor of Peace River’s Bourbon Hot Honey, it didn’t quite hit the mark for what we’re all about here: heat. The bourbon notes are delightful, rich and authentic, really standing out in each taste. But when it comes to spice, it’s a no-show, which was honestly a bit of a letdown for a product with “hot” in the name.

That said, let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Peace River Honey itself is top-notch—clearly a high-quality, well-crafted product. If you’re in it more for exquisite sweetness and less for the heat, this honey could be right up your alley.

Please remember that taste is subjective and everyone will experience hot sauce uniquely. These reviews contain my own thoughts and opinions. If you think you’ll enjoy a hot sauce then you should definitely try it out.

Mike P

Welcome to The Hot Sauce Guy! I’m Mike, your guide to the spicy world of hot sauces and the creator of Spicy Riffs Hot Sauce. From Canada, I share the hottest reviews, pepper-growing tips, and sauce recipes with a touch of rock and roll.

My passion? Crafting the perfect blend of heat and flavor. Whether you’re here for the fire or the flair, get ready for a journey into the world of spicy delights.

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